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Troy: Fall of a City Season 1 Complete English 720p BluRay ESubs

Tahfim Khan
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Troy: Fall of a City Season 1 Complete English 720p BluRay ESubs

Troy: Fall of a City  TV Series (2018– )60min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series (2018– )Summary: Retells the story of the 10 year siege of Troy, which occurred in the 12 or 13th century BC.
Countries: UK, South Africa, Australia, USALanguages: English

TheMoviesLab.Net is the best website to download Bollywood and Hollywood movies in HD. We Provide Movies in two formats 720p & 1080p in HD. Here you can also watch movies online directly. We provide various download links to download movies. Google Drive download links are also available.

Troy: Fall of a City Season 1 Complete English 720p BluRay ESubs Download – TheMoviesLab

Web Series Info

Language: English DD5.1
Quality: 720p BluRay
Size: 3.7GB
Movie Resolution: 1280*640
Subtitle: English


Based loosely on Homers ancient Greek epic poem ‘Iliad’, Troy: Fall of a City tells the story of the 10 year siege of the ancient city of Troy by the Greeks, after Paris, the young prince of Troy falls in love with the wife of a Greek king and elopes with her.



 ⚡Episode 1

 ⚡Episode 2

 ⚡Episode 3

 ⚡Episode 4

 ⚡Episode 5

 ⚡Episode 6

 ⚡Episode 7

 ⚡Episode 8

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